Image by drawn and mailed by Lucy Hart Gordon

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Lovechild and Poetry

Lovechild and Poetry

Poetry is powerful, and it has been gently showing itself to me over the past year or so. I couldn't have anticipated how beautifully my connection with poetry has sprouted. Just about one year ago, dreamster Jessica Baughman and I put our creative souls together and began collaborating, blending her poetry and my viola. The fun and unique part of our recent work is the personal lense everyone contributed. And with its growth of musicians (dreamster Lucy Hart Gordon, Frank Bravo, Josue Estrada, and Anthony O'Connor), we captured rare and raw moments of inspiration. Each track of the first lovechild album is poetry layered with musical interpretations and emotional reactions to spoken word. The process has been therapeutic for me, and leadway to expanding creative endeavors. 

We released 4 of 18 of tracks on soundcloud, I hope you will take a moment to enjoy:

lovechild at Fisch Haus

In March we explored the stage together at Fisch Haus in Wichita, KS, thanks to Creative Rush and the Confluence Community Center. The decision to perform took our project to new heights and challenged us as creators and performers. Our project was live, outside of our bedrooms and bathtubs, and on a stage in front of an audience. It was exhilarating to perform and share, and we hope to release the rest of the poems and perform again soon!

Poetry is powerful, and I am now immersed in the creative process. A graduate studies elective is walking me through some poetry foundations while I read, critique, and write. Its different than writing music, maybe because I am adhering to less rules and assumptions. The experience is filling me with inspiration and perspective that I'm excited to have accessed. It's kinda funny, but I feel like it was there all along, and I'm am thrilled to have the support and guidance of my class and close friends as my poetic and musical voice matures. 



Stories of Plants

Stories of Plants

Short Film Score - Dad's 50th Surprise Party

Short Film Score - Dad's 50th Surprise Party